Mark Revision Ninja as ‘Trusted’ in Google Workspace for Education

This guide addresses the policy updates in Google Workspace for Education that might impact the ability of your students to use Revision Ninja with their school-managed Google accounts after October 23, 2023.

The upcoming alterations to Google Workspace will only concern you if your school or district employs Google Single Sign-On (SSO) for student access to Revision Ninja and if your students are under 18 years old.

To prevent any access disruption for students who fit these criteria, a Google Workspace for Education administrator must designate Revision Ninja as a trusted application within Google Workspace for Education.

Google Workspace for Education administrators can refer to Google’s instructions on how to verify third-party app settings. Here is a brief guide:

  1. Sign into your Google Workspace for Education admin account.
  2. Go to the Admin console and select ‘Security’.
  3. In the Security menu, choose ‘Access and Data Control’, then ‘API Controls’.
  4. Under ‘App access control’, select ‘Manage third-party access’.
  5. Click ‘View list’ in the ‘Accessed Apps’ area.

In the list of accessed apps:

  1. Find ‘Revision Ninja’.
  2. Select Revision Ninja and click ‘Change access’.
  1. Proceed to label Revision Ninja as ‘Trusted’.
  1. Conclude by clicking ‘Change access’ again to save the settings.

Once your administrator has executed these steps, Revision Ninja will be approved as a trusted app, ensuring continued accessibility for all users within your Google Workspace for Education domain.

For additional information, refer to the FAQs below.


Who needs to act?

If your institution manages Google accounts for students under 18, and they use these accounts to sign into Revision Ninja, your Google Workspace administrator must trust Revision Ninja manually.

What’s changing in Revision Ninja?

Revision Ninja is not modifying its policies. These changes are due to privacy updates within Google Workspace for Education, further detailed here.

What are the necessary actions?

Teachers & Administrators:

To avoid potential disruption, ensure your school or district recognizes Revision Ninja as trusted in Google Workspace for Education.

Google Workspace for Education Administrators:

You should consult Google’s advice on confirming third-party app settings as outlined above.

What if we don’t take any action?

From October 23, 2023, students identified as under 18 will not be able to log into Revision Ninja using their school-provided Google credentials (Google SSO).

What if our school doesn’t use Google?

If your school doesn’t utilise Google Workspace for Education and Google SSO with Revision Ninja, or if students access Revision Ninja without accounts, nothing changes.

Will students lose access to Revision Ninja due to Google’s updates?

No, access to Revision Ninja remains, but if logging in with school-provided Google credentials is an issue, students can reset their password to bypass Google SSO.

How can we verify if Revision Ninja is ‘trusted’?

Inquire with your Google Workspace for Education admin. Revision Ninja cannot check your settings.

Does Revision Ninja comply with data privacy and protection standards?

Revision Ninja is committed to data privacy and security, complying with The Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR.

What if Revision Ninja isn’t marked as ‘trusted’?

Students can still use Revision Ninja without Google SSO by logging in with their email and password.

For any concerns regarding data privacy, contact us at [email protected]. We’re prepared to address requests for specific data privacy and security requirements.